The benefit dinner was SO great to see all the support and to remember Tony. It's hard to believe that it has been three years since we lost such an inspirational, hardworking and caring friend. He always had a smile on his face and was that kind of person you felt like you knew forever even if you had just met him. Every year the event just gets bigger and bigger, thanks to all the hard work from Sandy, Jeff and Jenn Wilson, Bre Maberry and Ryan and Megan Van Diest. The fact that they knew how much this fundraiser meant to Tony and carried it out for him and continually work their butts off every year is remarkable.
My love
YAY for a third addition! We can hardly wait!
Price gals minus Leslie
Memi and our Kader.....Such a chunk! :) I love this picture
Mama Les Chuckie and Kade
And we're was a long day for the little man but just like aways he handled everything with ease. Cole and I keep saying we have been SO spoiled with the easiest going baby in the world. I try to watch what I say thinking I'm going to jinx myself but if anything it just gets easier. I think because we really know what we're dealing with now and have his schedule down to an art it's such a breeze. Our second, third, fourth and fifth ;) (kidding... Cole would die!) are going to be a challenge no matter what because you don't get easier then Kade. :) We'll take it! haha
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