27 years....."I still consider him the hotest thing on two legs" haha Coming from the mouth of my mother about my dad. There is so much respect for my parents and the work and commitment they put into their relationship and marraige. Now that us kids are, for the most part, on our own with our own agendas my parents have been getting out just the two of them and doing more 'dates' and outings just the two of them. I know now more then ever how much kids take out of your day, time and even thoughts! While I'm sure any parent out there wouldn't change that fact for the world, it's true. The idea alone that they made it through all of us kids and our craziness, as well as all the curve balls life has to throw at you is a true statement. I'm so happy that they have their time back for themselves (for the most part :)) to get out together and not have too much to worry about. If you don't have any worries, you're not living enough! Happy anniversary to the best parents out there! I love you more then you know! Thank you for everything. You guys are the ones that led by example and taught me that family is the best gift out there and to never take it for granted. Here's to many many more! :)
Thanks so much Rebecca. There has been alot of life lived in 27 years. It isn't until you look back many years later,and realize the full impact on the vows you make on your wedding day. When you're young you think the googalie love feeling will be there forever. Just an FYI.... it don't. So many times it would be easy to throw in the towel and give up. But.... if you can hang in there, the bad times don't last forever, and if you strive threw them, it makes the good times even sweeter. And those are the times that make life worth living. I love Doug and my children more than life itself. What a gift you are to me!