Sunday, October 7, 2012

See you soon Grandma Gloria

June 28, 1926 - September 23, 2012
September 23...... This is one of those posts that I'm not even really sure how to start. As I have tears in my eyes just just thinking about it. The thing is, it was time. That still just doesn't even feel right to say. I first got to meet Gloria my Sophomore year in high school and always remembered those eyes and laugh. When Cole and I got back together the first time I saw her again I introduced myself thinking she would not have remembered and boy was I wrong. 'Oh yes dear I remember you! Our Cole always had something special for you and I'm so happy for you both! Want a glass of wine?!'. haha My kind of lady I tell ya :)
These past couple of weeks have been extremely hard for me to see Cole hurt so badly. I have yet to lose anyone extremely close, and can't really speak on what it feels like but my heart was breaking. Not only was it sad for me to think we wouldn't get to see her here on Earth again but it shattered for Cole and the rest of the family. It's an odd position to be in, knowing you are the 'support' and not knowing what to do or what to say and trying to be strong and make things better. Usually I can make things better my bsing or making light of a situation but there was nothing that I felt I could do. I think that when you love someone so much it just naturally happens.
I've already said it but those eyes....... Eyes she passed down to Leslie who also passed down to Cole and Chris both. I love them so much because they make me feel like there is always a little more going on up there that isn't being told.

Cole was so close with grandma and through his college years got to spend a lot of time with her between random visits, dinner dates, prescription drop offs ;) The day Gloria left us was my first day back at work.... go figure. Cole wanted to make a quick trip in to see her before I left and when he got there he called and told me he wasn't coming home because he couldn't leave her. I wished so badly at that time especially there was something I could do but I just sat and prayed, helplessly. The whole family was thankful that Cole and Leslie could be there with her and for each other. It seems a little better knowing she was so very loved down to the very last second.

I'm so happy I got to capture some great pictures with her and Kade.

She always wanted to hold Kade any second she got only he was such a strong little guy I was worried he would kick right out of her hands. I just didn't have the heart to tell her no.
Something that will get tears in Cole's eyes every time is thinking of how our Kallen and Kennadi were born on Grandma's birthday, June 28! How cool is that. When we went to the hospital that day and they were monitoring us we got teary eyed thinking how it was her birthday because at the point she wasn't doing well. After they said I was for sure in labor and we were going to have these babies it was an overwhelming sense of 'this is how it was supposed to be' moment. Every year will be so awesome to celebrate them and think of her. In times like these especially it feels so great to know and love a God so good and to know that she is now in Heaven pain free and having all those men she out lived fighting for her again ;) Love you Miss Gloria Jean! We'll see you soon!

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