Sunday, June 3, 2012


Kader LOVES his cocorn! One night I put him down at our usual bed time around 8 pm and he would not give it up. So finally around 10 pm I got him out of bed and decided he could hang out for a bit till he finally crashed. Out of no where he started yelling 'COCORN COCORN!' and ran to where I have our popcorn maker and demanded that I made some. Cole and I just started laughing and thought seriously?! This kid is hilarious and always has something new. In my opinion on of the funnest parts of being a parent! We decided to heck with it and made a bowl and even gave him some chocolate milk and made a party out of it.

I just can not get enough of this kid! The biggest honor ever is getting to be his mama. So easily I can be brought to tears with the simple thought of how happy I am and how thankful I am of my family. I can't wait to meet these two little ones that are so quickly on their way! 

Two of the most handsome men I have ever seen ;)

These are my favorite kind of nights and I know some people will say it's a no no but Cole and I have never been and more then likely won't ever be strict scheduled type of people. Organized and clean oh my yes, but never too scheduled to miss the good stuff. After the cocorn, we all three snuggled up and watched 'NEEIIIIIIGGGGGHHH' (that's supposed to be a horse neighing) aka Tangled. Kade has the best horse impression ever--Just ask! ;)

1 comment:

  1. Rebecca you are such a wonderful mama. I can't wait to see pictures of those twins. WE do fun things like popcorn at 10 too. Yesterday was just an off day and we spent most of it in my bed reading books snuggling, and we even had snacks in there. It is all about bonding and doing what works for your family. =)
