Yes that is how behind I am.... Doing an Easter post in June! Oh man, anyway.
First stop of the day was the Lautenbach side over at my Aunt Johna and Uncle Marks. An absolutely beautiful house and absolutely dangerous for little runners like my Kader! Cole and I spent a lot of the time running after him running towards the blackberry bushes or down the HUGE hill. A little tiring I think would be an understatement! I feel like a broken record in saying this on just about a daily basis (or so it seems) but I just think the world of my family and love everyone of them to death. It's always a good time and always plenty of really good laughs. Not to mention always good food and when you're pregnant it's that much better :) Something Cole always compliments me on is my cooking and I have all the women in my family to thank for that!

I don't think it was even 15 minutes into us being there that Kader took a crash on the aggregate steps and bonking his head real good. My tough little. The on going joke is that he needs a helmet for everyday use! I love that he is balls to the wall and no fear but I hate seeing him get hurt.
Of course we did an Easter egg hunt...... Kade would literally after every egg he got to, sit down, open it and eat the candy. Took us a while to collect several eggs :)
Me and my boys :)
Bubbles were a hit! My mom bought Kade and Lawsen non-spill bubble holders and they both went to town. Kade decided that everyone else should be able to enjoy them as well.... Here's Auntie Johna getting her 'turn'!
Next stop on the agenda was Leslie and Chuckies place and really I was exhausted. I felt bad but after talking to Julie and hearing her basically say everything I was feeling made me feel that much better! haha It was such a nice and relaxing evening and even though our boys are very busy it's the perfect place to go because they can just run like crazy and play with each other!
Its funny to see the interaction between all the boys with Kader. Crew is Kades bodyguard and helper, Brody for whatever reason has turned into Kades competition or leader and Ky's is our buddy big time. We leave to go home and all we hear is Ky ky! We also hear a lot about Juju.... yes he loves his Auntie but I think she spoils that boy rotten as well ;)
More bubbles!
And yet another egg hunt that took forever!
Julie found these adorable outfits for the boys and we tried our darnest to get a good picture of all 4 of them. I think we were actually fairly successful! I can't help but look at these pictures and try to image adding three more next year :) Growing families.... I can hardly wait!
The end of the night we tossed all four of them into the big bath tub and scrubbed them all down. We all got out and dressed and Kader went missing...... I knew exactly where the kid went and found him sitting in the tub with enough water and bubbles to get plenty wet and make a mess. Perfect considering we were already stretching the clothing we brought! Oh well right?!
The day was over and bed time had finally come. We have been so blessed with amazing family, amazing health and so many more happenings in the next coming year! It's so easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of everyday events and not necessarily think about how much of a miracle it all is. So so very thankful :)