A place that definitely has a part of my heart is Desert Canyon! I absolutely love it there. Half hour drive to Chelan and plenty of people, half of which I feel like I always know, and yet so quiet and peaceful right where you're at- best of both worlds!
We weren't too sure this year how or if we were even going to attempt to make it happen with the twins being not even 2 months old yet, but when my mom mentioned it Cole and I couldn't refuse. Everyone jumped on board so we had to! Jim, Leah, Estelle and Johnny Maassen - Mom, Dad, Emma Wyatt, Anna and Rudy- and then our 'little' family of 5 all got into a condo on the golf course and had a friggin blast! haha 4 bedrooms and one spacious living room ;) Not too much room for any kind of private time and with Kade around you could bet any little time you did get quickly became even shorter!

The drive there and back was nothing short of unreal! I expected crying, tantrums, moments of wanting to pull my hair out and it never happened. We maybe had 30 minutes total there and back of any noise! We played dvds for Kade nonstop, his choice of course, and stopped for the twins once on the way there and once on the way back for a bottle but I think that Cole and I wanted the stops more to stretch our legs and get some food! Such an awesome drive and such a proud mama moment!
I have gotten used to sleeping with Kade because right before the twins were born he learned how to climb out of his bed and with my lack of energy I wasn't going to play the up and down the stairs game with him. I turned our playroom downstairs into a makeshift bedroom for now and it's actually come in very handy with nap times and bed time! So, when it came to one bedroom for all five of us I thought we would be just fine. Cole, Kade and I on the bed and Kallen and Kennadi in their vibrating chairs. A little squished, but more than enough for us. I like my cuddle time with my boys anyway!
I had to laugh a little because the Maassens thought we were crazy for cramming all of us in one room and insisted they take Kade. Estelle decided that the hide-a-bed was perfect for her and Kade and maybe with a normal sleeper it would have been but when I said 'I have gotten used to....' I meant that like it took some time. My little Booger is as active in his sleep as he is awake I swear! He kicks and thrashes, talks and 'sings' and I kid you not jumps from one end of the bed to the other. The morning after the sleepover I asked her how she slept and she laughed at me and said she had a 'blast' and said she 'loved' sleeping with him.... bless her heart, she's so full of shit! I love my Maassens!

Many many many hands make light work! Oh man, I love my children and I love where life is at but if I said I have a ton of energy everyday and never want a quiet moment I would be lying!! Life has gotten so much more busy than it was with just Kader! We never got to experience a family of four and I can't really say what that would've been like, but a family of five is keeping me going for sure.
Being on a golf course and not golfing would be complete torture for Cole, so we made sure that everyday he got some quiet time on the course or hitting balls to unwind. My idea of relaxation is at the pool laying out! Something I haven't done since before Kade and something I think when you have kids you just give up for a long while. Leah told me to go to the pool one of the days and said "do not come back until you've had it". She always has a way of taking any guilt out of the equation for me and I actually thoroughly enjoyed three completely peaceful hours basking in the sunshine, listening to my music and drinking an adult beverage or two.
Having two newborns and a two year old that wanted to live a the pool didn't really go hand in hand so the fact that there was always someone who wanted to take Kade to the pool was amazing. Our condo was conveniently right next to the pool and I could be within ears reach of Kade and the twins at the same time.
Kade would step out of the condo and make a sprint for it onto the course. Big no no during the day but come dusk we let him have at it. I love the picture of Cole and Kade chasing each other down.
Auntie Lelah and our Mr. Kallen the tank
Johnny and Kade at the pool........
Daddy and Kader at the pool.......
Uncle Rudy and Kader at the pool.....
Mom and Kade at the pool.... You get my point right? I literally have a picture of everyone with Kade at the pool except for Jim and Wyatt who both are deathly afraid of any kind of water. The kid couldn't get enough!
John thought he was wearing Kade out when really they both were getting worn out. The both crashed to Cars 2 :)
And the babes......
I had to post this. One of the bathtimes they both were screaming their heads off and everyone got to see what life has the potential of being at our house haha. Funny they are still so dang cute even when they are red faced and screaming :)
Wyatt was building some really cool rock art and Kade kept knocking them over so he decided to include him in the building process and finally a few of them stuck around
Uncle Jimmy's face looks like the perfect seat don't you think?! ;)
The last full day we were there Cole played 18 and swung by the condo to say hi. As soon as Kade saw the 'tractor' he was going with. Cole said that the first hole he teed off at he left Kade in the kart turned off and went to swing. All of a sudden he heard the kart start up and take off and had to sprint after Kade and the kart! Glad I wasn't there but it's funny now because they both are okay! Too smart!
Chili Bean and Wyatt Erp
Right before we left, like the day before, my dad blew his knee out! Perfect timing considering they weren't packed up, my mom really didn't want to drive and he didn't really fully get to enjoy his vacation. He likes to golf as well and never got to :(
Mama and Stelli belli
The newlyweds!
Oh my little miss.... you are SO beautiful!
And of course my handsome little man!
Until next year :)