Saturday, October 16, 2010

A little chit chat a lot of babies!

I LOVE the nights where a lot of us girls can get together and do dinner and chit chat. Because a lot of us now have a baby or two our already large group now fills up a house really fast! I had a few toys in the house that we usually have for the boys (Crew Brodes and Kyler) that worked perfect for Lisa's kids Finn and Ryan and kinda kept Katie's little Madyn busy for 2 seconds :) Cole made sure to find something to do because even though he loves my girls almost as much as I do it definitely is too overwhelming for him! :)  Before everyone came over Cole and I spot cleaned the house and made sure to Lysol everything considering Kade is now chewing on anything in sight and it's that time of year! Katie got to the house first -besides Meghan who has been living with us for the past two months now- and the first person/thing to walk in the door was this adorable little elephant.....

Katie had just bought her Halloween-Tricks-or-Treating costume and had to show it off. That and Madyn couldn't get enough of the trunk or telling us what an elephant sounds like :)

Finally found Kade and wanted to help him jump in his 'new' jumper courtesy of Piss, Jules and the other bodies that have once upon a time filled it's space :)

Sweet little Almira! Oh my goodness is this girl just a charmer! Her and Kade are so much alike minus the age difference and the fact that she smiles when a camera is out! Something we definitely need to work on!

All the babes that were there..... one of these days we'll have to get them all in there! Lawsen (My cousin Alexa's), Grant and Audrey (Alyssa's) and Camryn (Kandice's) would be fun to add to the mix but considering this was a last minute gathering I would say we got more than expected! Left to Right: Finn and Ryan (Lisa's), Madyn (Katie's), Almira (Beth's), Kade, Willem (Terell's), and little Norah (Kaitlyn's)

Cole had stopped by the house for a couple minutes to grab his wallet and to give me some quick kisses :) so I designated him as photographer to get a couple shots of everyone together. My kisses aren't free ;) haha Only kidding but it was perfect timing! Left to right: Kiley, Beth and Almira, Michelle, Me and Kade, Kaitlyn and Norah, Katie and Madyn, Terell and Willem, Meg, Kari, Mel and Lisa, Ryan and Finn :)

Little Norah and Kaitlyn are in town for a couple days so the came by too which made this girls night extra special :) I wish that they would move back this way.... I'll even take Seattle! ;) Hint hint Kaitlyn!

Kiley and wirey Willem (Terell's)

Kaitlyn and Norah.... She looks SO much like Dan.

Eventually an arranged marriage :) I adore Almira (Beth's) and think that she is just the biggest sweetheart kinda like her mama and auntie (Lisa)! Of course two of my best and longest friends; I always love getting together with them!

While we were getting all the kids together I was looking like a retard making any face I could to get Kade to smile and laugh like he usually does (I swear!) but he didn't crack a bit! Pretty sure it was fairly entertaining and we had the whole room cracking up at us but this kid is not in love with the camera! That has to change because I am taking a photography class on the 24th that I have been looking forward to for quite sometime and have had a very nice camera to boot. It's easy to use but there is so much potential that I have no idea how to crack into! Anyway towards the end I was wanting to get a picture of Kade and Willem together and Kade sneezed and made his first 'different' face and it was a 'Mom get this snot of my face I'm not ammused' look hahaha I'll be happy when the snotty nose goes away!

Me and my other man :) So crazy to see how times have changed and what used to be my crazy out of control friends (and maybe myself) now as mature laid back mommies! Granted I have my moments of still being a kid myself, it's crazy how having one of your own changes you.... Whether you're ready or not! :)

We had so much fun and took some great pictures that I know we will pull out later on in life to show them how they were friends from birth! :) I love these girls and I love all of these babies! I can't wait to see the personalities grow and see the friendships blossom even more!


  1. Good work on the new blog background! Mama's and babies galore, I love it!

  2. This is AWESOME!!!! Love it Becca!
