Little Kader is officially 5 weeks and 2 days old and we have spent the last couple days not feeling too hot. All three of us came down with one contagious cold and our house has become a snot factory! It's such a helpless feeling not being able to know exactly what is bothering him or being able to fix it. I wish we could have avoided formula for a bit longer just for his health but sooner or later the time off is over and it's back to work! I know it's soon to be leaving him, but it makes it a LOT easier knowing he'll be in very good hands! My mom has fortunately for us taken on our weekly care needs and Kader definitely loves his Grandy :) Having a kid makes you realize the importance of a schedule and knowing that schedule for many different reasons.... I find myself writing everything down including feeding times, Cole's work schedule as opposed to mine (figure out when we need someone to watch him) and all of our play dates just to be sure that everything jives! So far we've been really busy and have been continuing to go out and enjoy ourselves. Considering Cole has a hard time sitting for longer then 5 mins and I like to be fairly busy as well I have a feeling that busy is going to be the name of the game from now on.
Right after he came out I immediately broke into tears! Unexpected and so overwhelming.... It's so hard to describe but it's just the best feeling in the world! I will get the chills and teary eyed every single time I look at this picture! Such a great experience....
Kade was born 9:22 am and this picture was taken about 4 hours later when we were placed into our recovery room. We had SO many visitors that day which was so awesome however getting any rest was a joke! Cole looks so tired and in love :) So far its my favorite picture of my boys!
I guess this is all for now considering I have a certain someone telling me he's hungry! :) Being a mom is the best role in the world! Having an amazing father/partner in crime I'm sure makes it that much better! I couldn't imagine doing it on my own. I love my family!
Welcome to the blogging world! It is so fun, and a great way to remember all of those special times!